Frenix!!!!! Every time... Everywhere... Don't give up....

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Somewhere Else

Guess! Where did I go yesterday afternoon? Hmm...Do you believe that I went to a famous casino, Naga World, in Phnom Penh? I went there not because I wanted to be rich; I just went to join a workshop about Malaysia Health Care. If I wanted to play the games over there, I guess I should have sold my little car to get some money, or maybe it wasn’t enough either. Lolzzz... By the way, Naga World is not as big as Genting Mountain resort, yet it’s quite comfortable and beautiful. Let’s see some photos I had taken in this place.

In the middle of the building

Here I am!

With my friend from USS

My group (Trouble makers in that place. Luckily, they
didn't call the police.)

I couldn't come in this nice restaurant since I didn't
have enough money. So,I just took picture from

With my housemate and also my classmate

The painting behind my back

P.S. The photos I got and the real view are quite different. The real one is far prettier.
posted by Yuriko at 10:55 AM 3 comments